
Nott the brave level 8
Nott the brave level 8

nott the brave level 8
  1. Nott the brave level 8 upgrade#
  2. Nott the brave level 8 free#

On offence on the other hand, you trade the free space for manouvring against Cav lines, for example. What do you mean, isn't it always better to have as many Def Heroes as possible?

nott the brave level 8

The rest of the banner doesn't seem all that appealing to me, so I won't go over it. Seems more of a PvE unit, which isn't all that great when you can use practically everything there. She's meant to counter F!Edelgard, but she isn't all that common on AR-D. As a ranged unit she can't help on Galeforce strats and is going to be deadweight against the ever cancerous L!Sigurd+Nótt cav lines. She's an offensive Light Mythic, and we all know those aren't really very good compared to the supports. Talking about who should or should not be a Mythic aside, let's see how Ulir fares, shall we?įor starters it's rough. As for Nótt and Dagr, well they are of the giant race so they aren't really human/beorc, but I don't know if that's enough to call label them as Mythics. The dubious OCs are Líf/Thrasir/Reginn, the first two kinda have the excuse of being powered up by Hel, but the latter should've been a Legendary as she's only a princess, imo. I don't know about the Crusaders being more fitting as Mythics than the Heroes OCs, the Crusaders themselves are practically OCs as the only thing they have outside vague mentions is an old-ass picture from a guide book or something? Hel/Freyr/Freyja are gods so no arguing there, in most types of media fairies are considered as mythical creatures so they fit too regardless of how seemingly out of place they seem at first glance. Very min maxed, but he'll be stuck with the QR seal if one wants to use him, for AR-D he can run more obnoxious stuff. Duo Líf will make minced meat of him and L!Sigurd is also going to be a pain due to color disadvantage. He doesn't seem very useful for the player, though. That's a huge blow to AR-O Galeforce teams, because if you don't get rid of this guy then your whole strat goes down the drain. Obstruct 4 is here and it shuts down ranged threats and stops WoM shenanigans in their feet. His exclusive B-skill, however is pretty bonkers. His Prf isn't all that awesome in the age of NFU, but it's serviceable. Also the dance is more like L!Leif's exclusive skill as it inflicts Gravity when the extra mov procs, but that can be easily bypassed with stuff like WoM/Orders buffs/etc.Īnd Gatekeeper.I won't get this guy because I don't care about him, but I'd be lying if I said he isn't the most unique of the batch, has amazing art and is going to be quite a pain to face in AR-D. That's really unique, so she won't seem subject to Powercreep anytime soon.although Guard effects shut down her unique niche really hard, so there's that. Offensive Dance, Colorless Tome, Lull Spd/Res and 70% dmg reduction if she initiates combat. Regardless, as a unit she's good with all her traits. Ayra is still pretty strong in the sword infantry category, so B!Marth should be able to duke it out with the best of them.ī!Marianne's art.I don't like it.

Nott the brave level 8 upgrade#

Hmm.actually this guy seems to be an upgrade to Ayra as he has everything she has and then some. Sudden Panic/Aversa will make his life hell, but with proper positioning he'll be a menace of a unit. His Prf seems loaded, but it isn't that crazy: Effective against dragons (which are kinda rare nowadays), Slaying, +5 to all for having an ally nearby or starting combat and a bunch of conditional effects that need buffed allies: NFU, +5 Atk and healing per hit, Vantage. His Special is Fire Emblem+, which means free visible stats for everyone (and free weakness to Panic unless you run Penalty negation allies).

nott the brave level 8 nott the brave level 8

Sure, he has a ton of effects but as an Infantry Sword he has it rough. So the max she can get is 50% if she runs Astra.ī!Marth is.boring. Only works with specials that proc in combat. The Exclusive B skill is Canto 2, Null Melancholy (?) and at minimum 20% true damage. The Prf is good: Effective against armors and horses (not Brave Hector, though), Slaying, +5 to all stats for existing, some dmg reduction and the offensive part of NFU. 39/40/42/28/24 is commonplace, likely to have superassets on Atk and/or Spd. As for the art, I can see what people mean with her looking a bit like Lyn (not surprising considering the artist for FE7 also did the art for FE8), the Ephraim armor is fine, it's at least 5x better than what the CYL4 guys got (boring canon promotions and Gremory Lysithea).Īs a unit she looks strong, if a little frail. PONYTAIL EIRIKA, OMG!!! That alone was enough to make me super hyped, but she also got an exclusive B-skill which is amazing! Her class is saturated so that's kind of a bummer, but if she ends up falling off one of these days then there's the CYL refines (assuming FEH will live another 2 years).

Nott the brave level 8